§ 2804.18 - What provisions do Master Agreements contain and what are their limitations?  

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  • § 2804.18 What provisions do Master Agreements contain and what are their limitations?

    (a) A Master Agreement:

    (1) Specifies that you must comply with all applicable laws and regulations;

    (2) Describes the work you will do and the work BLM will do to process the application;

    (3) Describes the method of periodic billing, payment, and auditing;

    (4) Describes the processes, studies, or evaluations you will pay for;

    (5) Explains how BLM will monitor the grant and how BLM will recover monitoring costs;

    (6) Describes existing agreements between the BLM and other Federal agencies for cost reimbursement;

    (7) Contains provisions allowing for periodic review and updating, if required;

    (8) Contains specific conditions for terminating the Agreement; and

    (9) Contains any other provisions BLM considers necessary.

    (b) BLM will not enter into any Agreement that is not in the public interest.

    (c) If you sign a Master Agreement, you waive your right to request a reduction of processing and monitoring fees.

    [70 FR 21058, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 81 FR 92209, Dec. 19, 2016]