§ 2880.0-5 - Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this part, the term:

    (a) Act means section 28 of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended (30 U.S.C. 185).

    (b) Agency head means the head of any Federal department or independent Federal office or agency, other than the Secretary of the Interior, who has jurisdiction over the surface of Federal lands.

    (c) Applicant means any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other business entity, or any State or local governmental entity or agency, which applies for a right-of-way grant or temporary use permit under the Act.

    (d) Authorized officer means any employee of the department of the Interior to whom has been delegated the authority to perform the duties described in this part.

    (e) Federal lands means all lands owned by the United States except lands in the National Park System, lands held in trust for an Indian or Indian tribe, and lands on the Outer Continental Shelf.

    (f) Holder means any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other business entity, or any State or local governmental entity or agency which has received a right-of-way grant or temporary use permit under the Act.

    (g) Oil or gas means oil, natural gas, synthetic liquid or gaseous fuels, or any refined product produced therefrom.

    (h) Temporary use permit means a revocable nonpossessory privilege to use specified Federal lands in the vicinity of a right-of-way in connection with the construction, operation, maintenance, or termination of a pipeline or for the protection of the natural environment or public safety.

    (i) Pipeline means a line of traversing Federal lands for transportation of oil or gas. The term includes feeder lines, trunk lines, and related facilities, but does not include a lessee's or lease operator's production facilities located on his lease.

    (j) Pipeline system means all facilities, whether or not located on Federal lands, used by a holder in connection with the construction, operation, maintenance, or termination of a pipeline.

    (k) Production facilities means a lessee's or lease operator's pipes and equipment used on his lease solely to aid in his extraction, storage, and processing of oil and gas. The term includes storage tanks and processing equipment, and gathering lines upstream from such tanks and equipment, or in the case of gas, upstream from the point of delivery. The term also includes pipes and equipment, such as water and gas injection lines, used in the production process for purposes other than carrying oil and gas downstream from the wellhead.

    (l) Related facilities means those structures, devices, improvements, and sites, the substantially continuous use of which is necessary for the operation or maintenance of a pipline, which are located on Federal lands, and which are authorized under the Act, including but not limited to: Supporting structures; airstrips; roads; campsites; pump stations, including associated heliports, structures, yards, and fences; valves, and other control devices; surge and storage tanks; bridges; monitoring and communication devices and structures housing them; terminals, including structures, yards, docks, fences, and storage tank facilities; retaining walls, berms, dikes, ditches, cuts, and fills; structures and areas for storing supplies and equipment. Related facilities may be connected or nonconnected or contiguous or noncontiguous to the pipe.

    (m) Right-of-way means the Federal land authorized to be occupied pursuant to a right-of-way grant.

    (n) Right-of-way grant means a document authorizing a nonpossessory, nonexclusive right to use Federal lands for the limited purpose of construction, operation, maintenance, and termination of a pipeline.

    (o) Secretary means the Secretary of the Interior.