§ 2882.3 - Application processing.  

Latest version.
  • (a) If the grant involves a pipeline 24 inches or more in diameter, BLM will not issue or renew the grant until after we notify the appropriate committees of Congress in accordance with 30 U.S.C. 185(w).

    (b) Upon receipt of an application for a right-of-way grant, the authorized officer shall publish a notice of the application in the Federal Register and an announcement in a newspaper or newpapers having general circulation in the vicinity of the Federal lands affected, or, if in the opinion of the authorized officer, the pipeline impacts are of a minor nature, the notice of application may be waived or published only in a newspaper having general circulation in the area or areas in the vicinity of the affected Federal lands. The notice shall contain a description of the pipeline systems as required in § 2882.2-3(a) (2) and (3) of this title, together with such other information as the authorized officer considers pertinent. The notice shall state where the application and related documents are available for interested persons to review. Copies of the notice shall be sent to the Governor of each State within which the pipeline system may be located, the head of each local government or jurisdiction within which the pipeline system may be located, and each agency head, for review and comment.

    (c) Where an application for a right-of-way grant or temporary use permit is incomplete or not in conformity with the Act or these regulations, the authorized officer may reject the application or notify the applicant of the deficiencies and afford the applicant an opportunity to file corrections. Where deficiency notices have not been adequately complied with, the authorized officer may reject the application or notify the applicant of the continuing deficiencies and afford the applicant an opportunity to file corrections.

    (d) The authorized officer may require the applicant for a right-of-way grant or temporary use permit to submit such additional information as he deems necessary for review of the application.

    (e) An application for a right-of-way grant or temporary use permit which meets the requirements of the Act and of these regulations entitles the applicant only to full review of the application. Such application may be denied if the authorized officer determines that the right-of-way or use applied for would be inconsistent with the purpose to which the Federal lands involved have been committed, or would otherwise not be in the public interest.

    (f) The authorized officer shall hold public meetings or hearings on an application for a right-of-way grant or temporary use permit if he determines that such hearings or meetings are appropriate and sufficient public interest exists to warrant the time and expense of such meetings or hearings. Notice of any such meetings or hearings shall be published in the Federal Register and in local newspapers.

    (g) If the application involves a right-of-way through Federal lands under the jurisdiction of two or more Federal agencies, the authorized officer shall refer the application to the agency heads for consultation and other appropriate actions.

    (h) The authorized officer shall consult with other agencies as to any additional information which should be required from the applicant, conditions or stipulations which should be imposed, and whether the right-of-way grant or temporary use permit should be issued.

    (i) No right-of-way grant or temporary use permit over Federal lands under the jurisdiction of two or more Federal agencies and not within the jurisdiction of the agency by which the authorized officer is employed shall be issued or renewed by the authorized officer without the concurrence of the head of the agency administering such Federal lands or his authorized representative.

    (j) Where the surface of the Federal lands involved is administered by the Secretary or by two or more Federal agencies, the Secretary may, after consultation with the non-Interior agencies involved, grant or renew a right-of-way or temporary use permit through the Federal lands involved, with or without the concurrence of the heads of the agencies administering such Federal lands. A right-of-way through a Federal reservation shall not be granted if the Secretary determines that it would be inconsistent with the purposes of the reservation.

    (k) A right-of-way grant or temporary use permit need not conform to the applicant's proposal, but may contain such modifications, terms, stipulations or conditions including changes in route or site location as the authorized officer considers appropriate.

    (l) No right-of-way grant or temporary use permit shall be considered as being in effect until the applicant has accepted its terms, in writing. Written acceptance shall constitute an agreement between an applicant and the United States that, in consideration of the right to use Federal lands, the applicant shall abide by all terms and conditions contained therein and the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.

    (m) At the discretion of the authorized officer, a provision may be placed in a right-of-way grant or temporary use permit requiring that no construction or use shall occur until a detailed construction, operation, rehabilitation and environmental protection plan has been submitted to the authorized officer and a notice to proceed has been issued. This requirement may be imposed for all or any part of the right-of-way.