§ 2886.17 - Under what conditions may BLM suspend or terminate my grant or TUP?  

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  • § 2886.17 Under what conditions may BLM suspend or terminate my grant or TUP?

    (a) Subject to § 2886.11, BLM may suspend or terminate your grant if you do not comply with applicable laws and regulations or any terms, conditions, or stipulations of the grant, or if you abandon the right-of-way.

    (b) Subject to § 2886.11, BLM may suspend or terminate your TUP if you do not comply with applicable laws and regulations or any terms, conditions, or stipulations of the TUP, or if you abandon the TUP area.

    (c) A grant or TUP also terminates when:

    (1) The grant or TUP contains a term or condition that has been met that requires the grant or TUP to terminate;

    (2) The BLM consents in writing to your request to terminate relinquish the grant or TUP; or

    (3) A court terminates it or requires the BLM to terminate it; or

    (4) It is required by law to terminate.

    (d) Your failure to use your right-of-way for its authorized purpose for any continuous 2-year period creates a presumption of abandonment. BLM will notify you in writing of this presumption. You may rebut the presumption of abandonment by proving that you used the right-of-way or that your failure to use the right-of-way was due to circumstances beyond your control, such as acts of God, war, or casualties not attributable to you.

    (e) You may appeal a decision under this section under § 2881.10 of this part.

    [70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 89 FR 25975, Apr. 12, 2024]