Subpart M - Purchase at Probate  

§ 30.400 - What may be purchased at probate?
§ 30.401 - Who may purchase at probate?
§ 30.402 - Does property purchased at probate remain in trust or restricted status?
§ 30.403 - Is consent required for a purchase at probate?
§ 30.404 - How do I initiate a purchase at probate?
§ 30.405 - When may I initiate a purchase at probate?
§ 30.406 - May I withdraw my request to purchase at probate?
§ 30.407 - How will OHA address requests to purchase at probate?
§ 30.408 - What will OHA include in the probate decision or reconsideration order when a purchase at probate request is pending?
§ 30.409 - How will a pending purchase at probate request affect how the decedent's property is distributed?
§ 30.410 - How will the purchase at probate process continue after the decision or reconsideration order is issued?
§ 30.411 - How will the interests to be purchased at probate be valued?
§ 30.412 - What will OHA do when it receives BIA's notification that an appraisal/valuation has been completed?
§ 30.413 - Who are potential bidders?
§ 30.414 - What will be contained in the Order to Submit Bids?
§ 30.415 - What may I do if I do not agree with the determination of fair market value in the Order to Submit Bids?
§ 30.416 - How does OHA decide whether a bid is successful?
§ 30.417 - How does the judge notify the parties whether there was a successful bid?
§ 30.418 - When must the successful bidder pay for the interest purchased?
§ 30.419 - What happens after the successful bidder submits payment?
§ 30.420 - What happens if the successful bidder does not submit payment within 30 days?
§ 30.421 - When does a purchased interest vest in the purchaser?
§ 30.422 - What will happen to any lease income received or accrued from purchased land interests before the purchased interest vests in the purchaser?
§ 30.423 - What may I do if I disagree with the judge's determination to approve or deny a purchase at probate?
§ 30.424 - When will the order approving or denying the purchase at probate become final?