§ 3101.1-3 - Stipulations and information notices.  

Latest version.
  • § 3101.1-3 Stipulations and information notices.

    The authorized officer may require stipulations as conditions of lease issuance. Stipulations shall become part of the lease and shall supersede inconsistent provisions of the standard lease form. Any party submitting a bid under subpart 3120 of this title, or an offer under § 3110.1(b) of this title during the period when use of the parcel number is required pursuant to § 3110.5-1 of this title, shall be deemed to have agreed to stipulations applicable to the specific parcel as indicated in the List of Lands Available for Competitive Nominations or the Notice of Competitive Lease Sale available from the proper BLM office. A party filing a noncompetitive offer in accordance with § 3110.1(a) of this title shall be deemed to have agreed to stipulations applicable to the specific parcel as indicated in the List of Lands Available for Competitive Nominations or the Notice of Competitive Lease Sale, unless the offer is withdrawn in accordance with § 3110.6 of this title. An information notice has no legal consequences, except to give notice of existing requirements, and may be attached to a lease by the authorized officer at the time of lease issuance to convey certain operational, procedural or administrative requirements relative to lease management within the terms and conditions of the standard lease form. Information notices shall not be a basis for denial of lease operations.

    [53 FR 17352, May 16, 1988, as amended at 53 FR 22836, June 17, 1988]