Part 3130 - Oil and Gas Leasing: National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska  

Subpart 3130 - Oil and Gas Leasing, National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska: General
§ 3130.0-1 - Purpose.
§ 3130.1 - Attorney General review.
§ 3130.0-2 - Policy.
§ 3130.2 - Limitation on time to institute suit to contest a Secretary's decision.
§ 3130.0-3 - Authority.
§ 3130.3 - Drainage.
§ 3130.4 - Leasing: General.
§ 3130.0-5 - Definitions.
§ 3130.5 - Bona fide purchasers.
§ 3130.6 - Leasing maps and land descriptions.
§ 3130.0-7 - Cross references.
§ 3130.4-1 - Tract size.
§ 3130.4-2 - Lease term.
§ 3130.6-1 - Leasing maps.
§ 3130.6-2 - Land descriptions.
Subpart 3131 - Leasing Program
§ 3131.1 - Receipt and consideration of nominations; public notice and participation.
§ 3131.2 - Tentative tract selection.
§ 3131.3 - Special stipulations.
§ 3131.4 - Lease sales.
§ 3131.4-1 - Notice of sale.
Subpart 3132 - Issuance of Leases
§ 3132.1 - Who may hold a lease.
§ 3132.2 - Submission of bids.
§ 3132.3 - Payments.
§ 3132.4 - Qualifications.
§ 3132.5 - Award of leases.
§ 3132.5-1 - Forms.
§ 3132.5-2 - Dating of leases.
Subpart 3133 - Rentals and Royalties
§ 3133.1 - Rentals.
§ 3133.2 - Royalties.
§ 3133.3 - Under what circumstances will BLM waive, suspend, or reduce the rental, royalty, or minimum royalty on my NPR-A lease?
§ 3133.4 - How do I apply for a waiver, suspension or reduction of rental, royalty or minimum royalty for my NPR-A lease?
§ 3133.2-1 - Minimum royalties.
Subpart 3134 - Bonding: General
§ 3134.1 - Bonding.
§ 3134.1-1 - Form of bond.
§ 3134.1-2 - Additional bonds.
Subpart 3135 - Transfers, Extensions, Consolidations, and Suspensions
§ 3135.1 - Transfers and extensions, general.
§ 3135.2 - Under what circumstances will BLM require a suspension of operations and production or approve my request for a suspension of operations and production for my lease?
§ 3135.3 - How do I apply for a suspension of operations and production?
§ 3135.4 - When is a suspension of operations and production effective?
§ 3135.5 - When should I stop paying rental or royalty after BLM requires or approves a suspension of operations and production ?
§ 3135.6 - When will my suspension terminate?
§ 3135.7 - What effect does a suspension of operations and production have on the term of my lease?
§ 3135.8 - If BLM requires a suspension or grants my request for a suspension of operations and production for my lease, when must I next pay advance annual rental, royalty, or minimum royalty?
§ 3135.1-1 - Transfers.
§ 3135.1-2 - Requirements for filing of transfers.
§ 3135.1-3 - Separate filing for transfers.
§ 3135.1-4 - Effect of transfer of a tract.
§ 3135.1-5 - Extension of lease.
§ 3135.1-6 - Lease renewal.
§ 3135.1-7 - Consolidation of leases.
§ 3135.1-8 - Termination of administration for conveyed lands and segregation.
Subpart 3136 - Relinquishments, Terminations and Cancellations of Leases
§ 3136.1 - Relinquishment of leases or parts of leases.
§ 3136.2 - Terminations.
§ 3136.3 - Cancellation of leases.
Subpart 3137 - Unitization Agreements—National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska
§ 3137.5 - What terms do I need to know to understand this subpart?
Change in Ownership
§ 3137.120 - As a transferee of an interest in a unitized NPR-A lease, am I subject to the terms and conditions of the unit agreement?
§ 3137.40 - What initial development obligations must I define in a unit agreement?
§ 3137.41 - What continuing development obligations must I define in a unit agreement?
§ 3137.150 - How do I appeal a decision that BLM issues under this subpart?
§ 3137.15 - If the Federal lands constitute less than 10 percent of the lands in the proposed unit area, is the unit agreement subject to Federal regulations or approval?
§ 3137.20 - Is there a standard unit agreement form?
§ 3137.21 - What must I include in an NPR-A unit agreement?
§ 3137.22 - What are the size and shape requirements for a unit area?
§ 3137.23 - NPR-A unitization application.
§ 3137.24 - Why would BLM reject a unit agreement application?
§ 3137.25 - How will the parties to the unit know if BLM approves the unit agreement?
§ 3137.26 - When is a unit agreement effective?
§ 3137.27 - What effect do subsequent contracts or obligations have on the unit agreement?
§ 3137.28 - What oil and gas resources of committed tracts does the unit agreement include?
Obligations and Extensions
§ 3137.110 - Do the terms and conditions of a unit agreement modify Federal lease stipulations?
§ 3137.111 - When will BLM extend the primary term of all leases committed to a unit agreement or renew all leases committed to a unit agreement?
§ 3137.112 - What happens if I am prevented from performing actual or constructive drilling or reworking operations?
Optional Terms
§ 3137.50 - What optional terms may I include in a unit agreement?
§ 3137.51 - Under what conditions does BLM permit multiple unit operators?
§ 3137.52 - How may I modify the unit agreement?
Unit Agreement Operating Requirements
§ 3137.60 - As the unit operator, what are my obligations?
§ 3137.61 - Change in unit operators.
§ 3137.62 - What are my liabilities as a former unit operator?
§ 3137.63 - What are my liabilities after BLM approves me as the new unit operator?
§ 3137.64 - As a unit operator, what must I do to prevent or compensate for drainage?
Development Requirements
§ 3137.70 - What must I do to meet initial development obligations?
§ 3137.71 - What must I do to meet continuing development obligations?
§ 3137.72 - What if reasons beyond my control prevent me from meeting the initial or a continuing development obligation by the time the unit agreement specifies?
§ 3137.73 - What will BLM do after I submit a plan to meet continuing development obligations?
§ 3137.74 - What must I do after BLM approves my continuing development obligations plan?
§ 3137.75 - May I perform additional development outside established participating areas to fulfill continuing development obligations?
§ 3137.76 - What happens if I do not meet a continuing development obligation?
§ 3137.10 - What benefits do I receive for entering into a unit agreement?
§ 3137.11 - What consultation must the BLM perform if lands in the unit area are owned by a regional corporation or the State of Alaska?
Participating Areas
§ 3137.80 - What are participating areas and how do they relate to the unit agreement?
§ 3137.81 - What is the function of a participating area?
§ 3137.82 - What are productivity criteria?
§ 3137.83 - What establishes a participating area?
§ 3137.84 - What must I submit to BLM to establish a new participating area, or modify an existing participating area?
§ 3137.85 - What is the effective date of a participating area?
§ 3137.86 - What happens to a participating area when I obtain new information demonstrating that the participating area should be larger or smaller than previously determined?
§ 3137.87 - What must I do if there are unleased Federal tracts in a participating area?
§ 3137.88 - What happens when a well outside a participating area does not meet the productivity criteria?
§ 3137.89 - How does production allocation occur from wells that do not meet the productivity criteria?
§ 3137.90 - Who must operate wells that do not meet the productivity criteria?
§ 3137.91 - When will BLM allow a well previously determined to be a non-unit well to be used in establishing or modifying a PA?
§ 3137.92 - When does a participating area terminate?
Production Allocation
§ 3137.100 - How must I allocate production to the United States when a participating area includes unleased Federal lands?
Unit Termination
§ 3137.130 - Under what circumstances will BLM approve a voluntary termination of the unit?
§ 3137.131 - What happens if the unit terminated before the unit operator met the initial development obligations?
§ 3137.132 - What if I do not meet a continuing development obligation before I establish any participating area in the unit?
§ 3137.133 - After participating areas are established, when does the unit terminate?
§ 3137.134 - What happens to committed leases if the unit terminates?
§ 3137.135 - What are the unit operator's obligations after unit termination?
Subpart 3138 - Subsurface Storage Agreements in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A)
§ 3138.10 - When will BLM enter into a subsurface storage agreement in NPR-A covering federally-owned lands?
§ 3138.11 - Applications for a subsurface storage agreement.
§ 3138.12 - What must I pay for storage?