§ 3133.4 - How do I apply for a waiver, suspension or reduction of rental, royalty or minimum royalty for my NPR-A lease?  

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  • § 3133.4 How do I apply for a waiver, suspension or reduction of rental, royalty or minimum royalty for my NPR-A lease?

    (a) Submit to BLM your application and in it describe the relief you are requesting and include -

    (1) The lease serial number;

    (2) The number, location and status of each well drilled;

    (3) A statement that shows the aggregate amount of oil or gas subject to royalty for each month covering a period of at least six months immediately before the date you filed the application;

    (4) The number of wells counted as producing each month and the average production per well per day;

    (5) A detailed statement of expenses and costs of operating the entire lease, including the amount of any overriding royalty and payments out of production or similar interests applicable to your lease;

    (6) All facts that demonstrate the waiver, suspension, or reduction of the rental or minimum royalty, or the reduction of the royalty rate encourages the greatest ultimate recovery of oil or gas or it is in the interest of conservation; and

    (7) All facts that demonstrate you cannot successfully operate the lease under the terms of the lease;

    (8) Any other information BLM requires.

    (b) Your application must be signed by -

    (1) All record title holders of the lease; or

    (2) By the operator on behalf of all record title holders.

    [67 FR 17885, Apr. 11, 2002, as amended at 73 FR 6442, Feb. 4, 2008]