§ 3170.3170 - Subpt. 3179, Nt. Well drilling.

Latest version.
  • (a) Except as provided in § 3179.6 of this subpart, and unless technically infeasible, gas that reaches the surface as a normal part of drilling operations must be:

    (1) Captured and sold;

    (2) Directed to a flare pit or flare stack to combust any flammable gasses;

    (3) Used in operations on the lease, unit, or communitized area; or

    (4) Injected.

    (b) If gas is lost as a result of loss of well control, the BLM will make a determination of whether the loss of well control is due to operator negligence. Such gas is avoidably lost if the BLM determines that the loss of well control is due to operator negligence. The BLM will notify the operator in writing when it makes a determination that gas was lost due to operator negligence.

    (c) The operator must comply with this section beginning January 17, 2019.