§ 3179.103 - Emergencies.  

Latest version.
  • § 3179.103 Initial production testingEmergencies.

    (a) Gas flared during a well's initial production test or vented during an emergency is royalty -free under §§ 3179.4(a)(1)(iii) and 3179.5(b) of this subpart until one of the following occurs:

    (1) The operator determines that it has obtained adequate reservoir information for the well;

    (2) 30 days have passed since the beginning of the production test, except as provided in paragraph (b) and paragraph (d) of this section;

    (3) The operator has flared 20 million cubic feet (MMcf) of gas, when volumes flared under this section are combined with volumes flared under § 3179.102(a)(2), except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section; or

    (4) Production begins.

    (b) The BLM may extend the period specified in paragraph (a)(2) not to exceed an additional 60 days, based on testing delays caused by well or equipment problems or if there is a need for further testing to develop adequate reservoir information.

    (c) The BLM may increase the limit specified in paragraph (a)(3) by up to an additional 30 million cubic feet of gas for exploratory wells in remote locations where additional testing is needed in advance of development of pipeline infrastructure.

    (d) During the dewatering and initial evaluation of an exploratory coalbed methane well, the 30-day period specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section is extended to 90 days. The BLM may approve up to two extensions of this evaluation period, of up to 90 days each.

    (e) The operator must submit its request for a longer test period or increased limit under paragraphs (b), (c), or (d) of this section using a Sundry Notice

    free for a period not to exceed 24 hours, unless the BLM determines that emergency conditions exist necessitating venting or flaring for a longer period.

    (b) For purposes of this subpart, an “emergency” is a temporary, infrequent and unavoidable situation in which the loss of gas or oil is uncontrollable or necessary to avoid risk of an immediate and substantial adverse impact on safety, public health, or the environment, and is not due to operator negligence.

    (c) The following do not constitute emergencies for the purpose of royalty assessment:

    (1) The operator's failure to install appropriate equipment of a sufficient capacity to accommodate the production conditions;

    (2) Failure to limit production when the production rate exceeds the capacity of the related equipment, pipeline, or gas plant, or exceeds sales contract volumes of oil or gas;

    (3) Scheduled maintenance;

    (4) A situation caused by operator negligence, including recurring equipment failures; or

    (5) A situation on a lease, unit, or communitized area that has already experienced 3 or more emergencies within the past 30 days, unless the BLM determines that the occurrence of more than 3 emergencies within the 30 day period could not have been anticipated and was beyond the operator's control.

    (d) Within 45 days of the start of the emergency, the operator must estimate and report to the BLM on a Sundry Notice the volumes flared or vented beyond the timeframe specified in paragraph (a) of this section.