§ 3179.9 - Measuring and reporting volumes of gas vented and flared.  

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  • § 3179.9 Measuring and reporting volumes of gas vented and flared.

    (a) The operator must estimate or measure all volumes of gas vented or flared from wells, facilities and equipment on a lease, unit PA, or communitized area and report those volumes under applicable ONRR reporting requirements.

    (b) The operator may estimate such volumes, except:

    (1) If the operator estimates that the volume of gas flared from a high pressure flare stack or manifold equals or exceeds an average of 50 Mcf per day for the life of the flare, or the previous 12 months, whichever is shorter, then, beginning January 17, 2019, the operator must either:

    (i) Measure the volume of the flared gas; or

    (ii) Calculate the volume of the flared gas based on the results of a regularly performed GOR test and measured values for the volumes of oil production and gas sales, so as to allow BLM to independently verify the volume, rate, and heating value of the flared gas; or

    (2) If the BLM determines and informs the operator that the additional accuracy offered by measurement is necessary for effective implementation of this Subpart, then the operator must measure the volume of the flared gas.

    (c) If measurement or calculation is required under paragraph (b) of this section for a flare that is combusting gas that is combined across multiple leases, unit PAs, or communitized areas, the operator may measure or calculate the gas at a single point at the flare, but must use an allocation method approved by the BLM to allocate the quantities of flared gas to each lease, unit PA, or communitized area.

    [81 FR 83078, Nov. 18, 2016, as amended at 82 FR 58072, Dec. 8, 2017]