Part 3190 - Delegation of Authority, Cooperative Agreements and Contracts for Oil and Gas Inspection  

Subpart 3190 - Delegation of Authority, Cooperative Agreements and Contracts for Oil and Gas Inspections: General
§ 3190.0-1 - Purpose.
§ 3190.1 - Proprietary data.
§ 3190.2 - Recordkeeping, funding and audit.
§ 3190.0-3 - Authority.
§ 3190.3 - Sharing of civil penalties.
§ 3190.0-4 - Objective.
§ 3190.4 - Availability of information.
§ 3190.0-5 - Definitions.
§ 3190.0-7 - Cross references.
§ 3190.2-1 - Recordkeeping.
§ 3190.2-2 - Funding.
§ 3190.2-3 - Audit.
Subpart 3191 - Delegation of Authority
§ 3191.1 - Petition for delegation.
§ 3191.2 - Terms of delegation.
§ 3191.3 - Termination and reinstatement.
§ 3191.4 - Standards of delegation.
§ 3191.5 - Delegation for Indian lands.
§ 3191.1-1 - Petition.
§ 3191.1-2 - Eligibility.
§ 3191.1-3 - Action upon petition.
§ 3191.1-4 - Public hearing on petition.
§ 3191.3-1 - Termination.
§ 3191.3-2 - Reinstatement.
§ 3191.5-1 - Indian lands included in delegation.
§ 3191.5-2 - Indian lands withdrawn from delegation.
Subpart 3192 - Cooperative Agreements
§ 3192.1 - What is a cooperative agreement?
§ 3192.2 - Who may apply for a cooperative agreement with BLM to conduct oil and gas inspections?
§ 3192.3 - What must a Tribe or State include in its application for a cooperative agreement?
§ 3192.4 - What is the term of a cooperative agreement?
§ 3192.5 - How do I modify a cooperative agreement?
§ 3192.6 - How will BLM evaluate my request for proprietary data?
§ 3192.7 - What must I do with Federal assistance I receive?
§ 3192.8 - May I subcontract activities in the agreement?
§ 3192.9 - What terms must a cooperative agreement contain?
§ 3192.10 - What costs will BLM pay?
§ 3192.11 - How are civil penalties shared?
§ 3192.12 - What activities may Tribes or States perform under cooperative agreements?
§ 3192.13 - What responsibilities must BLM keep?
§ 3192.14 - What are the requirements for Tribal or State inspectors?
§ 3192.15 - May cooperative agreements be terminated?
§ 3192.16 - How will I know if BLM intends to terminate my agreement?
§ 3192.17 - Can BLM reinstate cooperative agreements that have been terminated?
§ 3192.18 - Can I appeal a BLM decision?