§ 3833.2-1 - National Park System lands.  

Latest version.
  • (a) For all mining claims, mill sites, and tunnel sites located within a unit of the National Park System that was recorded on or before September 28, 1977, except as provided under the Act of October 5, 1992, an annual filing shall be submitted to the proper BLM office on or before December 30 of each succeeding calendar year thereafter.

    (b) Even though the National Park Service, except under certain limited circumstances described in 36 CFR part 9, subpart A, does not permit surface disturbing actions to occur in units of the National Park System, a notice of intent to hold should be filed for mining claims and sites located within these units. If the owner has received National Park Service approval for surface disturbing actions under 36 CFR part 9, subpart A, either a notice of intent or an affidavit of assessment work, as appropriate, should be filed.

    (c) The provisions of this section shall apply to all mining claims, mill sites, and tunnel sites included in a unit of the National Park System because of an enlargement of the said unit after September 28, 1976.

    (d) Evidence of annual assessment work for mining claims, mill sites, and tunnel sites located in a unit of the National Park System shall be in the form prescribed by § 3833.2-4 of this Title. A notice of intention to hold such a claim or site shall be in the form prescribed in § 3833.2-5 of this title.

    (e) The authorized officer will forward copies of annual filings on, and will periodically provide the status of, mining claims, mill sites, and tunnel sites located within a unit of the National Park System to the proper National Park Service office.