Subpart 3833 - Recordation of Mining Claims, Mill Sites, and Tunnel Sites and Payment of Service Charges; and Payment of Rental Fees  

§ 3833.0-1 - Purpose.
§ 3833.0-2 - Objectives.
§ 3833.0-3 - Authority.
§ 3833.4 - Failure to file, or to pay maintenance or location fees.
§ 3833.0-5 - Definitions.
§ 3833.0-9 - Information collection.
§ 3833.1-1 - Refundability of service charges, location fees, rental and maintenance fees.
§ 3833.1-2 - Recordation of mining claims, mill sites and tunnel sites located after October 21, 1976.
§ 3833.1-3 - Service charges, rental fees, maintenance fees, and location fees; form of remittance and acceptance.
§ 3833.1-4 - Service charges and location fees.
§ 3833.1-5 - Maintenance fees.
§ 3833.1-6 - Maintenance fee waiver qualifications under the Act of November 5, 2001, and other exceptions.
§ 3833.1-7 - Filing requirements for the maintenance fee waiver and other exceptions.
§ 3833.2-1 - National Park System lands.
§ 3833.2-2 - Other Federal lands.
§ 3833.2-3 - Consistency between the Federal Land Policy and Management Act, the General Mining Law of May 10, 1872, and the Act of November 5, 2001.
§ 3833.2-4 - Contents for evidence of assessment work.
§ 3833.2-5 - Contents for a notice of intention to hold claim or site.
§ 3833.2-6 - When evidence or notice is not required.
§ 3833.4-1 - Curing defective waivers.