§ 3842.1-2 - Maximum allowable acreage.  

Latest version.
  • (a) By R.S. 2330 (30 U.S.C. 36), it is declared that no location of a placer claim made after July 9, 1870, shall exceed 160 acres for any one person or association of persons, which location shall conform to the United States surveys.

    (b) R.S. 2331 (30 U.S.C. 35) provides that all placer-mining claims located after May 10, 1872, shall conform as nearly as practicable with the United States system of public land surveys and the rectangular subdivisions of such surveys, and such locations shall not include more than 20 acres for each individual claimant.

    (c) The foregoing provisions of law are construed to mean that after July 9, 1870, no location of a placer claim can be made to exceed 160 acres, whatever may be the number of locators associated together, or whatever the local regulations of the district may allow; and that from and after May 10, 1872, no location can exceed 20 acres for each individual participating therein; that it, a location by two persons can not exceed 40 acres, and one by three persons can not exceed 60 acres.