§ 4.234 - Witnesses, interpreters, and fees.  

Latest version.
  • Parties in interest who desire a witness to testify or an interpreter to serve at a hearing shall make their own financial and other arrangements therefor, and subpoenas will be issued where necessary and proper. The administrative law judge may call witness and interpreters and order payment out of the estate assets of per diem, mileage, and subsistence at a rate not to exceed that allowed to witnesses called in the U.S. District Courts. In hardship situations, the administrative law judge may order payment of per diem and mileage for indispensable witnesses and interpreters called for the parties. In the order for payment he shall specify whether such costs shall be allocated and charged against the interest of the party calling the witness or against the estate generally. Costs of administration so allowed shall have a priority for payment greater than that for any creditor claims allowed. Upon receipt of such order, the Superintendent shall pay said sums immediately from the estate account, if such funds are insufficient, then out of the funds as they accrue to such account with the proviso that such cost shall be paid in full with a later allocation against the interest of a party, if such was ordered.