Subtitle A—Office of the Secretary of the Interior  

Part 1 - Practices Before the Department of the Interior
Part 2 - Freedom of Information Act; Records and Testimony
Part 3 - Preservation of American Antiquities
Part 4 - Department Hearings and Appeals Procedures
Part 5 - Commercial Filming and Similar Projects and Still Photography on Certain Areas Under Department Jurisdiction
Part 6 - Patent Regulations
Part 7 - Protection of Archaeological Resources
Part 8 - Joint Policies of the Departments of the Interior and of the Army Relative to Reservoir Project Lands
Part 9 - Intergovernmental Review of Department of the Interior Programs and Activities
Part 10 - Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Regulations
Part 11 - Natural Resource Damage Assessments
Part 12 - [Reserved]
Part 13 - Vending Facilities Operated by Blind Persons
Part 14 - Petitions for Rulemaking
Part 15 - Key Largo Coral Reef Preserve
Part 16 - Conservation of Helium
Part 17 - Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs of the Department of the Interior
Part 18 - New Restrictions on Lobbying
Part 19 - Wilderness Preservation
Part 20 - Employee Responsibilities and Conduct
Part 21 - Occupancy of Cabin Sites on Public Conservation and Recreation Areas
Part 22 - Administrative Claims Under the Federal Tort Claims Act and Indemnification of Department of the Interior Employees
Part 23 - Surface Exploration, Mining and Reclamation of Lands
Part 24 - Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Policy: State-Federal Relationships
Part 26 - Grants to States for Establishing Youth Conservation Corps Programs
Part 27 - Nondiscrimination in Activities Conducted Under Permits, Rights-of-Way, Public Land Orders, and Other Federal Authorizations Granted or Issued Under Title Ii of Public Law 93-153
Part 28 - Fire Protection Emergency Assistance
Part 29 - Trans-Alaska Pipeline Liability Fund
Part 30 - Indian Probate Hearings Procedures
Part 32 - Grants to States for Establishing Young Adult Conservation Corps (YACC) Program
Part 33 - Allocation of Duty-Free Watches from the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa [Note]
Part 34 - Requirements for Equal Opportunity During Construction and Operation of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System
Part 35 - Administrative Remedies for Fraudulent Claims and Statements
Part 36 - Transportation and Utility Systems in and Across, and Access Into, Conservation System Units in Alaska
Part 37 - Cave Management
Part 38 - Pay of U.S. Park Police - Interim Geographic Adjustments
Part 39 - Collection of Debts by Administrative Wage Garnishment
Part 41 - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance
Part 44 - Financial Assistance, Local Governments
Part 45 - Conditions and Prescriptions in FERC Hydropower Licenses
Part 46 - Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
Part 47 - Land Exchange Procedures
Part 48 - Amendments to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act
Part 49 - Paleontological Resources Preservation
Part 50 - Procedures for Reestablishing a Formal Government-to-Government Relationship With the Native Hawaiian Community
Part 51 - Guidance Documents Procedures
Part 100 - Waiving Departmental Review of Appraisals and Valuations of Indian Property
Parts 51--99 - [Reserved]
Parts 52--99 - [Reserved]
Parts 51--199 - [Reserved]
Parts 101--199 - [Reserved]