§ 11.41 - Suspension or revocation of eligibility.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Where a contractor, grantee, or other participant in programs sponsored by the Agency fails to pay his debts to the Agency within a reasonable time after demand, the fact shall be reported by the ACO to the Inspector General and to the Office of Acquisition Management, which shall place such defaulting participant's name on the Agency's list of debarred, suspended and ineligible contractors and grantees. The participant will be so advised. Suspension or revocation of eligibility may be waived in whole or in part in the case of grants for disaster programs administered by FEMA, if the Director FEMA, so directs.

    (b) The failure of any surety to honor its obligations in accordance with 6 U.S.C. 11 is to be reported at once to the ACO, who shall so advise the Treasury Department. That Department will notify this Agency when a surety's certificate of authority to do business with the Government has been revoked or forfeited.

    (c) Failure by a recipient of FEMA financial or nonfinancial assistance to pay a substantial debt or a number of outstanding debts being collected under this subpart may be ground for Government-wide debarment and suspension as described in 44 CFR 17.305(c)(3).