§ 12.12 - Minutes.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Detailed minutes of each advisory committee meeting shall be kept and shall contain a record of the persons present, a complete summary of matters discussed and conclusions reached, and copies of all reports received, issued, or approved by the advisory committee. The record of persons present shall include the time and place of the meeting, a list of advisory committee members and staff and agency employees present at the meeting, a list of members of the public who presented oral or written statements, and an estimated number of members of the public who attended the meeting. The minutes shall describe the extent to which the meeting was open to the public and the extent of public participation. If it is impracticable to attach to the minutes of the meeting any report received, issued, or approved by the advisory committee, then the minutes will describe the report in sufficient detail to enable any person requesting the report to readily identify it.

    (b) The accuracy of all minutes shall be certified by the chairperson of the advisory committee concerned, except in the case of a subcommittee or subgroup of the advisory committee, in which case the accuracy of the minutes shall be certified by the chairperson of the subcommittee or subgroup concerned and co-signed by the chairperson of the advisory committee.