§ 2.14 - Office of Congressional and Governmental Affairs.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Mission. The Office of Congressional and Governmental Affairs coordinates FEMA's ongoing emergency management relationships with the Congress, public interest groups, and State and local organizations.

    (b) Functions. The principal functions of the Office of Congressional and Governmental Affairs are:

    (1) Liaison with Congress, the Office of Management and Budget, and the White House on legislative matters directly affecting FEMA;

    (2) Advising the Director and other FEMA officials on actions pending or anticipated in Congress;

    (3) Liaison with Federal Coordinating Officers following declarations of disasters or emergencies under the Stafford Act, on matters requiring coordination with Congress; and

    (4) Liaison with FEMA's constituencies on FEMA legislative matters.

    (c) Delegated authorities. The Director of the Office of Congressional and Governmental Affairs is authorized to exercise the duties and powers of the Director in the Director's capacity as agency head in support of the functions listed in paragraph (b) of this section.