§ 2.18 - Office of Equal Rights.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Mission. The Office of Equal Rights assists management in fulfilling its responsibilities to ensure Equal Rights for all employees and applicants for employment, and to guarantee protection for the civil rights of every American receiving assistance from FEMA.

    (b) Functions. The principal functions of the Office of Equal Rights are:

    (1) Development, in coordination with Agency management, of multi-year Affirmative Employment Plans and annual updates covering women, minority group members, and persons with disabilities;

    (2) Training regarding Equal Rights and Civil Rights and Responsibilities;

    (3) Investigation and non-adjudicatory resolution of complaints of discrimination and referral of unresolved complaints to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the Department of Justice; and

    (4) Ensuring compliance with Civil Rights guidance in FEMA's programs and operations.

    (c) Delegated authorities. The Director of the Office of Equal Rights is authorized to exercise the duties and powers of the Director as set forth in:

    (1) E.O. 12336, as amended;

    (2) E.O. 12250;

    (3) E.O. 12067, as amended;

    (4) E.O. 11478, as amended;

    (5) E.O. 11141; and

    (6) E.O. 11063, as amended.