§ 220.13 - Personal property acquisition.  

Latest version.
  • Personal property identified by EPA as contaminated and unable to undergo a successful process of decontamination will be purchased. Such purchase will be contingent upon authorizationin the site-specific interagency agreement. Possession or ownership of the acquired personal property shall pass directly to EPA from the seller. The acquisition of personal property shall be conducted along the following lines:

    (a) An inventory of eligible personal property shall be prepared to include the manufacturer's name, model number and other information which might assist in establishing the quality and value of the property to be acquired.

    (b) Payment shall be made for replacement value of similar items. With regard to valuable antiques, owners shall be paid whatever benefits they would have received if this loss had been exclusively covered by their homeowners insurance policy. If they do not have homeowners insurance for personal property, owners shall be paid the cost of replacement with an item of similar quality with the same functional use.

    (c) An appraisal shall be required in all instances.

    (d) Based on the appraisal, FEMA shall present the initial offer to acquire to the temporary relocation applicant. The offer to acquire shall be in writing and will include a list of items to be purchased. The total value of the listed items will be presented in the offer.

    (e) A written sales contract shall specify what is being purchased and the terms and conditions of the sale, as well as the responsibilities of the seller.

    (f) When negotiations fail, after a reasonable effort by both parties, an individual who disputes the amount of the offer to acquire shall have the right to submit a written appeal to the Regional Director. The Regional Director shall make a final decision concerning the offer to acquire within 10 business days from receipt of the written appeal. The decision of the Regional Director is final.

    (g) FEMA may not move an applicant's contaminated furniture to the temporary relocation residence.

    (h) FEMA shall not be responsible for management and/or disposition of the acquired property.