§ 220.16 - Termination of assistance.  

Latest version.
  • Termination of temporary housing may be initiated with a 30-day written notice, after which the occupant shall be liable for such additional charges as are deemed appropriate by the Regional Director including, but not limited to, the fair market rental for the temporary housing residence. Termination may be in the form of eviction from temporary housing (if FEMA leased the housing) or termination of financial assistance (if cash payment is made to the occupant).

    (a) Grounds for termination. Temporary housing (including transient accommodations) may be terminated for reasons, including, but not limited to, the following:

    (1) A determination has been made by EPA that the residence from which the occupant was displaced is now available for occupancy.

    (2) FEMA has determined that the temporary housing occupant has failed to comply with the terms of the lease or reimbursement agreement.

    (3) An offer for permanent acquisition of the housing from which the individual has been displaced has been made (and the time period for temporary housing allocated by FEMA's permanent relocation plan for the specific location involved has passed). This includes an offer of relocation assistance, if appropriate.

    (4) The temporary housing occupant has failed to take due care of the temporary dwelling.

    (5) FEMA has determined that temporary housing was obtained through misrepresentation or fraud.

    (6) The temporary housing occupant has failed to pay utilities or other charges, responsibility for which has been assigned by the lease or reimbursement agreement.

    (7) FEMA has determined that the temporary housing occupant has permanently relocated to a new location.

    (b) Termination procedures. These procedures shall be utilized in all instances, except when a State is administering the Temporary Relocation Assistance Program. States shall be subject to their own procedures provided they afford the occupant(s) due process safeguards described in paragraph (b)(5)(iv) of this section.

    (1) Notification of occupants. Written notice shall be given by FEMA (or the entity designated to administer the program) to the occupant(s) at least 30 days prior to the proposed termination of assistance. This notice shall specify: The reasons for termination of assistance/occupancy; the date of termination, which shall not be less than 30 days after receipt of the notice; the administrative procedure available to the occupant(s) if he/she wishes to dispute the action; and the occupant's liability after the termination date for additional charges.

    (2) Filing of appeal. If the occupant desires to dispute the termination of temporary housing assistance, upon receipt of the written notice specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, he/she shall present the appeal in writing to the appropriate FEMA office in person or by mail within 5 business days. The appeal must be signed by the occupant and state the reasons why the assistance or occupancy should not be terminated. If a hearing is desired, the appeal should so state.

    (3) Response to appeal. If a hearing pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this section has not been requested, the occupant will be deemed to have waived the right to a hearing. Under such circumstances, the appropriate FEMA official shall deliver or mail a written response to the occupant within 5 business days after the receipt of the appeal.

    (4) Request for a hearing. If the occupant requests a hearing pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this section, FEMA shall schedule a hearing date within 10 days from the receipt of the appeal, at a time and place reasonably convenient to the occupant, who shall be notified promptly thereof in writing. The notice of hearing shall specify the procedure governing the hearing.

    (5) Hearing—(i) Hearing officer. The hearing shall be conducted by a Hearing Officer who shall be designated by the FEMA Regional Director, and who shall not have been involved with the decision to terminate the occupant's temporary housing assistance, nor be a subordinate of any individual who was so involved.

    (ii) Due process. The occupant shall be afforded a fair hearing and provided the basic safeguards of due process, including cross-examination of the responsible official(s), access to the documents on which FEMA is relying, the right to counsel at his/her expense, the right to present evidence, and the right to a written decision.

    (iii) Failure to appear. If an occupant fails to appear at a hearing, the Hearing Officer may make a determination that the occupant has waived his/her right to a hearing, or may, for goodcause shown, postpone the hearing for no more than 5 business days.

    (iv) Proof. At the hearing, the occupant must first attempt to establish that continued assistance is appropriate; thereafter, FEMA must sustain the burden of proof in justifying that the termination is appropriate. The occupant shall have the right to present evidence and arguments in support of his/her complaint, to disprove evidence relied on by FEMA, and to confront in a reasonable manner and cross-examine all witnesses on whose testimony or information FEMA relies. The hearing shall be conducted by the Hearing Officer and any evidence pertinent to the facts and issues raised may be received without regard to its admissibility under rules of evidence employed in formal judicial proceedings.

    (6) Decision. The decision of the Hearing Officer shall be based solely upon applicable Federal and State law, and FEMA regulations and requirements promulgated thereunder. The Hearing Officer shall prepare a written decision setting forth a statement of findings and conclusions together with the reasons therefore, concerning all material issues raised by the complainant within five business days after the hearing. The decision of the Hearing Officer shall be binding on FEMA which shall take all actions necessary to carry out the decision or refrain from any actions prohibited by the decision, unless the FEMA Regional Director determines and notifies the complainant in writing within 30 days, or such additional time as FEMA may for good cause allow, that the decision of the Hearing Officer is not supportable.

    (i) If the determination is to evict, the decision shall include a notice to the occupant that he/she must vacate the premises within three days of receipt of the written notice or on the termination, as required in paragraph (b) of this section, whichever is later. If the occupant does not quit the premises, appropriate action shall be taken and, if suit is brought, the occupant may be required to pay court costs and attorney fees.

    (ii) If the determination is to terminate financial assistance, such assistance shall be terminated in accordance with the original notice given pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of this section. If the occupant is required to give a specific number of days notice to the landlord which exceeds the number of days in the termination notice, the Regional Director, may approve the payment of rent for this period of time if requested by the occupant.