§ 220.18 - State administration of temporary relocation assistance.  

Latest version.
  • When administering this program, the State must comply with FEMA regulations and policies. The State shall maintain adequate documentation to enable analysis of the program in accordance with regulations, manuals, handbooks and guidance.

    (a) Site specific plan. When it is agreed that a State will adminster all or part of temporary relocation activity, the State must submit a site-specific Temporary Relocation Assistance Plan for approval by the Regional Director or official designee within seven days of the signing of the FEMA/State Cooperative Agreement. This plan shall include the items listed below, as appropriate:

    (1) Budget and estimated outlay schedule, and allocation advice;

    (2) Time frames within which tasks will be completed;

    (3) Assignment of relocation responsibilities to State and/or local officials or agencies;

    (4) Method for notifying affected residents and taking applications;

    (5) Method for developing fair market rent guidelines;

    (6) Requirement for transient accommodations;

    (7) Amount of food subsidy and the method for development of same;

    (8) Policy for paying utility subsidy and/or connection costs;

    (9) Method for providing site security;

    (10) Method for payment for acquisition of contaminated personal property, when required by FEMA;

    (11) Termination procedures;

    (12) Contracting procedures;

    (13) Quality control procedures;

    (14) Documentation and control system provisions; and

    (15) Arrangements for program review.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB Control Number 3067-0156)

    (b) Authorized costs. All expenditures associated with administering the relocation activity are authorized if in compliance with this part, applicable FEMA/State Cooperative Agreements, OMB Circular A-87 Revised, Costs Principles for State and Local Governments (46 FR 9548), OMB Circular A-102 Revised and FEMA regulations on Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements (44 CFR part 13), and other FEMA regulations, as applicable.

    (c) Federal monitoring and oversight. The Regional Director shall monitor State-administered activities since he/she remains responsible for the delivery of Temporary Relocation Assistance. In addition, policy guidance and interpretations to meet specific needs of an incident shall be provided through the oversight function. As determined necessary by FEMA, monitoring and oversight functions shall include on-site program reviews.

    (d) Technical assistance. The Regional Director shall provide technical assistance as necessary to support State-administered operations through training, policies and regulations and through the use of personnel for technical assistance to the State or local staff.

    (e) Audits. The State shall conduct a program review of each operation. All site-specific activities are subject to Federal audit.