§ 220.2 - Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • Cost Share means the portion of the allowable project cost which is not derived from Federal assistance.

    Evacuation means the emergency relocation of threatened individuals from an area. This activity is normally carried out by the State as part of its public health and safety responsibility.

    Fair market rent means a reasonable amount to pay in the local area for the size and type of accommodations provided. (The formula is provided in § 220.11of this part.)

    Household means the residents of the pre-incident residence who are offered Temporary Relocation Assistance. It includes any authorized additions during the temporary housing period, such as children, spouses, or part-time residents who were not present at the time of the announcement, but who are expected to return during the temporary housing period.

    Occupant means an eligible applicant residing in temporary housing.

    Primary residence means the dwelling where the applicant normally resides during the major portion of the calendar year, or a dwelling which is required because of proximity to employment.

    Transient accommodations means hotels, motels or other similar accommodations which are utilized to assist eligible applicants who require temporary housing for only a short period of time, or who require such assistance pending provision of another temporary housing resource. Transient accommodations may be provided for up to 30 days unless this period is extended by the FEMA Regional Director or official designee.