§ 221.7 - State commitments.  

Latest version.
  • Permanent relocation assistance can be implemented only after the State enters into a cooperative agreement with FEMA which documents its agreements to the following:

    (a) To take title to all real property in accordance with section 104(j)(2) of CERCLA, as amended;

    (b) To condemn property when necessary to obtain title, unless the State is able to demonstrate that State law does not authorize such condemnations;

    (c) To pay the percentage of the cost of the permanent relocation program required by section 104(c)(3) of CERCLA, as amended;

    (d) To restrict the use of purchased property to those purposes determined to be acceptable by State and Federal health officials and to distribute proceeds of any subsequent sale on the same cost-share basis indicated in paragraph (c) of this section;

    (e) To coordinate all permanent relocation activities with FEMA.