§ 306.3 - Prescribed insigne.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The prescribed insigne shall be the design covered under Letters Patent 129797, October 7, 1941, consisting of the “CD” symbol in bright red, centered within a white equilateral triangle superimposed upon a dark blue circle.

    (b) The prescribed insigne may be reproduced in the above colors, in black and white, or in the color of the surface upon which reproduced and one other color: Provided, That if the color of the surface or the ground is orange, the triangle shall not be blue. The intent of this restriction is that this insigne shall not be confused with the international civil defense sign established in the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I) and Annexes.

    (c) Where appropriate, the name of a particular civil defense service, the State, or a political subdivision, may be spelled out in block letters on, in, or immediately surrounding the prescribed insigne.

    (d) The dimensions of the components of the prescribed insigne when the blue circle is three inches in diameter will approximate the following: The triangle will be equilateral two and one-quarter inches on a side, each of the letters in the “CD” symbol will be three-sixteenth inches in thickness and will occupy a circle one and one-eighth inches in diameter centered in the triangle. Other sizes of the prescribed insigne will be established by diameter of the blue circle only; to the extent that the diameter of the blue circle is greater or less than three inches, the dimensions of the other components shall be proportionately increased or decreased.

    (e) The following alteration or modification of the prescribed insigne is authorized pursuant to § 306.5(d):