§ 306.5 - Manufacture, reproduction and display of the prescribed insigne.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Any individual, association or business entity may manufacture the prescribed insigne and official articles in compliance with these regulations.

    (b) The prescribed insigne may be manufactured, reproduced, and displayed only:

    (1) On official articles.

    (2) On organizational equipment.

    (3) On items of identification issued by a Civil Defense Director to permit necessary movement of persons, vehicles and equipment during a period of emergency operations.

    (4) On facilities and equipment designated for emergency operational use by a Civil Defense Director and on devices used for alerting the public in time of emergency.

    (5) On official letterheads, publications, posters, signs, advertisements, lapel pins, pennants, placards, flags, banners, certificates of membership and certificates of award used, issued, or authorized by a Civil Defense Agency or Civil Defense Director.

    (6) In connection with articles or advertisements in newspapers, magazines, or other publications, or in connection with television or other public information media: Provided, Such use is not intended to discredit the Federal Emergency Management Agency or a Civil Defense Agency, or to mislead, confuse, misrepresent, defraud, or does not erroneously confer the impression of endorsement, approval, or relationship to the Federal Emergency Management Agency or a Civil Defense Agency.

    (7) On the merit badge for “Emergency Preparedness” designed for and as authorized and awarded by the Boy Scouts of America, together with the reproduction of such merit badge on any publication or certificate of award to be used or issued by said organization in connection therewith.

    (8) On such other items, whether official articles or not, as may be designated or approved by the Director, FEMA in writing.

    (c) Without limitation of the foregoing, the reproduction of the prescribed insigne in connection with any publication or article used for political purposes is prohibited.

    (d) No alteration or modification of the prescribed insigne may be made except as the Director may from time to time authorize.