§ 352.20 - Purpose and scope.  

Latest version.
  • § 352.20 Purpose and scope.

    This subpart establishes policy and procedures for providing support for offsite radiological emergency planning and preparedness in a situation where Federal support under Executive Order 12657 (E.O. 12657) has been requested. This subpart:

    (a) Describes the process for providing Federal technical assistance to the licensee for developing its offsite emergency response plan after an affirmative determination on the licensee certification under subpart A (44 CFR 352.5(f));

    (b) Describes the process for providing Federal facilities and resources to the licensee after a determination under subpart A (44 CFR 352.6(d)) that Federal resources are required;

    (c) Describes the principal response functions which Federal agencies may be called upon to provide;

    (d) Describes the process for allocating responsibilities among Federal agencies for planning site-specific emergency response functions; and

    (e) Provides for the participation of Federal agencies, including the members of the FRPCC and the RACs.