Part 6 - Implementation of the Privacy Act of 1974  

Subpart A - General
§ 6.1 - Purpose and scope of part.
§ 6.2 - Definitions.
§ 6.3 - Collection and use of information (Privacy Act statements).
§ 6.4 - Standards of accuracy.
§ 6.5 - Rules of conduct.
§ 6.6 - Safeguarding systems of records.
§ 6.7 - Records of other agencies.
§ 6.8 - Subpoena and other legal demands.
§ 6.9 - Inconsistent issuances of FEMA and/or its predecessor agencies superseded.
§ 6.10 - Assistance and referrals.
Subpart B - Disclosure of Records
§ 6.20 - Conditions of disclosure.
§ 6.21 - Procedures for disclosure.
§ 6.22 - Accounting of disclosures.
Subpart C - Individual Access to Records
§ 6.30 - Form of requests.
§ 6.31 - Special requirements for medical records.
§ 6.32 - Granting access.
§ 6.33 - Denials of access.
§ 6.34 - Appeal of denial of access within FEMA.
Subpart D - Requests To Amend Records
§ 6.50 - Submission of requests to amend records.
§ 6.51 - Review of requests to amend records.
§ 6.52 - Approval of requests to amend records.
§ 6.53 - Denial of requests to amend records.
§ 6.54 - Agreement to alternative amendments.
§ 6.55 - Appeal of denial of request to amend a record.
§ 6.56 - Statement of disagreement.
§ 6.57 - Judicial review.
Subpart E - Report on New Systems and Alterations of Existing Systems
§ 6.70 - Reporting requirement.
§ 6.71 - Federal Register notice of establishment of new system or alteration of existing system.
§ 6.72 - Effective date of new system of records or alteration of an existing system of records.
Subpart F - Fees
§ 6.80 - Records available at fee.
§ 6.81 - Additional copies.
§ 6.82 - Waiver of fee.
§ 6.83 - Prepayment of fees.
§ 6.84 - Form of payment.
§ 6.85 - Reproduction fees.
Subpart G - Exempt Systems of Records
§ 6.86 - General exemptions.
§ 6.87 - Specific exemptions.