§ 79.3 - Responsibilities.  

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  • § 79.3 Responsibilities.

    (a) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Administer and provide oversight to all FEMA-related hazard mitigation programs and grants, including:

    (1) Issue program implementation procedures, as necessary, which will include information on availability of funding;

    (2) Allocate funds to States for the FMA and for the SRL programs;

    (3) Award all grants to the grantee after evaluating subgrant applications for eligibility and ensuring compliance with applicable Federal laws, giving priority to such properties, or to the subset of such properties, as the Administrator may determine are in the best interest of the NFIF;

    (4) Provide technical assistance and training to State, local and Indian tribal governments regarding the mitigation and grants management process;

    (5) Review and approve State, Indian tribal, and local mitigation plans in accordance with part 201 of this chapter;

    (6) Comply with applicable Federal statutory, regulatory, and Executive Order requirements related to environmental and historic preservation compliance, including reviewing and supplementing, if necessary, the environmental analyses conducted by the State and subgrantee in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and agency policy;

    (7) Establish and maintain an updated list of SRL properties and make such information available to States and communities; and

    (8) Notify owners of SRL properties that their properties meet the definition of a severe repetitive loss property and provide a summary of the opportunities and implications of being identified as such.

    (b) State. The State will serve as the applicant and grantee through a single Point of Contact (POC) for the FMA and SRL programs. The POC is a State agency that must have working knowledge of NFIP goals, requirements, and processes and ensure that the programs are coordinated with other mitigation activities at the State level. States will:

    (1) Have a FEMA approved Mitigation Plan in accordance with part 201 of this chapter;

    (2) Review and submit local mitigation plans to the FEMA Regional Administrator for final review and approval;

    (3) Provide technical assistance and training to communities on mitigation planning, mitigation project activities, developing subgrant applications, and implementing approved subgrants;

    (4) Prioritize and recommend subgrant applications to be approved by FEMA, based on the State Mitigation Plan, other State evaluation criteria and the eligibility criteria described in § 79.6;

    (5) Award FEMA-approved subgrants; and

    (6) Comply with program requirements under this part, grant management requirements identified under 2 CFR parts 200 and 3002, the grant agreement articles, and other applicable Federal, State, tribal and local laws and regulations.

    (c) Indian tribal governments. The Indian tribal government will coordinate all tribal activities relating to hazard evaluation and mitigation including:

    (1) Have a FEMA approved Tribal Mitigation Plan in accordance with § 201.7 of this chapter;

    (2) A Federally Recognized Indian tribal government as defined by the Federally Recognized Indian Tribe List Act of 1994, 25 U.S.C. 479a, applying directly to FEMA for mitigation grant funding will assume the responsibilities of the “State” as the term is used in this part, as applicant or grantee, described in paragraphs (b)(3) through (6) of this section; and

    (3) A Federally Recognized Indian tribal government as defined by the Federally Recognized Indian Tribe List Act of 1994, 25 U.S.C. 479a, applying through the State, will assume the responsibilities of the community (as the subapplicant or subgrantee) described in paragraphs (d)(2) through (4) of this section.

    (d) Community. The community (referred to as both subapplicant and subgrantee) will:

    (1) Prepare and submit a FEMA-approved Local Mitigation Plan, consistent with the requirements of part 201 of this chapter;

    (2) Complete and submit subgrant applications to the State POC for FMA planning, project and management cost subgrants, and for SRL project and management cost subgrants;

    (3) Implement all approved subgrants; notifying each holder of a recorded interest in severe repetitive loss properties when an offer of mitigation assistance has been made under the SRL program, and when such offer has been refused; and

    (4) Comply with program requirements under this part, grant management requirements identified under 2 CFR parts 200 and 3002, the grant agreement articles, and other applicable Federal, State, tribal and local laws and regulations.

    [72 FR 61738, Oct. 31, 2007, as amended at 79 FR 76084, Dec. 19, 2014; 81 FR 56533, Aug. 22, 2016]