Appendix A to Part 1611 - —Income Level for Individuals Eligible for Assistance

Latest version.
  • Appendix A to Part 1611 - Income Level for Individuals Eligible for Assistance

    Legal Services Corporation 2022 Income Guidelines *

    Size of household 48 Contiguous
    states and
    the District
    of Columbia
    Alaska Hawaii
    1 $16,988 $21,238 $19,538
    2 22,888 28,613 26,325
    3 28,788 35,988 33,113
    4 34,688 43,363 39,900
    5 40,588 50,738 46,688
    6 46,488 58,113 53,475
    7 52,388 65,488 60,263
    8 58,288 72,863 67,050
    For each additional member of the household in excess of 8, add: 5,900 7,375 6,788

    Reference Chart - 200% of Federal Poverty Guidelines *

    Size of household 48 Contiguous
    States and the
    District of
    Alaska Hawaii
    1 $27,180 $33,980 $31,260
    2 36,620 45,780 42,120
    3 46,060 57,580 52,980
    4 55,500 69,380 63,840
    5 64,940 81,180 74,700
    6 74,380 92,980 85,560
    7 83,820 104,780 96,420
    8 93,260 116,580 107,280
    For each additional member of the household in excess of 8, add: 9,440 11,800 10,860

    [87 FR 4818, Jan. 31, 2022]