Chapter XXV—Corporation for National and Community Service

Part 2502 - Employee Indemnification Regulations
Part 2500 - AmeriCorps Statement of Organization, Agency Operating Name, and Logos
Part 2505 - Rules Implementing the Government in the Sunshine Act
Part 2506 - Collection of Debts
Part 2507 - Procedures for Disclosure of Records Under the Freedom of Information Act
Part 2508 - Implementation of the Privacy Act of 1974
Part 2509 - Administrative Practice and Procedures
Part 2510 - Overall Purposes and Definitions
Part 2513 - [Reserved]
Part 2515 - Service-Learning Program Purposes
Part 2516 - School-Based Service-Learning Programs
Part 2517 - Community-Based Service-Learning Programs
Part 2518 - Service-Learning Clearinghouse
Part 2519 - Higher Education Innovative Programs for Community Service
Part 2520 - General Provisions: AmeriCorps Subtitle C Programs
Part 2521 - Eligible AmeriCorps Subtitle C Program Applicants and Types of Grants Available for Award
Part 2522 - AmeriCorps Participants, Programs, and Applicants
Part 2523 - Agreements With Other Federal Agencies for the Provision of AmeriCorps Program Assistance
Part 2524 - AmeriCorps Technical Assistance and Other Special Grants
Part 2525 - National Service Trust
Part 2526 - Eligibility for an Education Award
Part 2527 - Determining the Amount of an Education Award
Part 2528 - Using an Education Award
Part 2529 - Payment of Accrued Interest
Part 2530 - Transfer of Education Awards
Part 2531 - Purposes and Availability of Grants for Investment for Quality and Innovation Activities
Part 2532 - Innovative and Special Demonstration Programs
Part 2533 - Technical Assistance, Training, and Other Service Infrastructure-Building Activities
Part 2534 - Special Activities
Part 2540 - General Administrative Provisions
Part 2541 - [Reserved]
Part 2543 - [Reserved]
Part 2544 - Solicitation and Acceptance of Donations
Part 2550 - Requirements and General Provisions for State Commissions and Alternative Administrative Entities
Part 2551 - Senior Companion Program
Part 2552 - Foster Grandparent Program
Part 2553 - The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program
Part 2554 - Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act Regulations
Part 2555 - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance
Part 2556 - Volunteers in Service to America
Parts 2500--2504 - [Reserved]
Parts 2501--2504 - [Reserved]
Parts 2541--2543 - [Reserved]
Parts 2557--2599 - [Reserved]