§ 1105.735-5 - Conflicts-of-Interest Counselor.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Conflicts-of-Interest Counselor. The General Counsel of the Foundation is designated the Conflicts-of-Interest Counselor, with responsibility for providing, on request from any employee, counsel regarding conflicts-of-interest regulations and requirements, as well as their applicability in particular situations. Each employee is responsible for seeking the advice of the Conflicts-of-Interest Counselor whenever it appears that he may be, or may become, involved in a possible conflicts-of-interest situation. Any supervisor may refer to the Conflicts-of-Interest Counselor any possible conflicts-of-interest situation involving a subordinate of his whenever he deems such action appropriate. In such cases, the subordinate concerned shall be informed that the matter has been referred for consideration and shall be afforded the opportunity to state his case. The General Counsel of the Foundation is responsible for reviewing conflicts-of-interest matters brought to his attention and for attempting to work with the employees concerned in resolving such situations, and for offering employees an opportunity to explain any conflict or appearance of conflict. Matters which cannot be satisfactorily resolved in this manner will be referred to the Chairman of the Endowment concerned, or, in the case of a share staff member, to the Chairmen of both Endowments, for decision and appropriate action. Remedial action, whether disciplinary or otherwise, shall be effected in accordance with any applicable laws, Executive orders, and regulations.

    (b) Disciplinary and other remedial actions. When there is a final decision that a conflicts-of-interest situation requires disciplinary or other remedial action, such action shall be taken promptly to end the conflict or appearance of conflict of interest and to carry out any appropriate disciplinary measure. Any action taken, whether disciplinary or otherwise, shall be effected in accordance with applicable laws, Executive orders, Civil Service Commission regulations and the regulations in this part. The action taken may involve, among other things:

    (1) Divestment by the employee of his conflicting interest;

    (2) Changes in existing duties;

    (3) Disqualification for a particular assignment;

    (4) Appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including removal.