§ 1105.735-6 - Statements of employment and financial interests.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Employees other than special Government employees—(1) General requirement. Statements of employment and financial interests are required of all Federal employees occupying positions at or above Grade 16 or the equivalent, as well as all employees occupying positions which either require the exercise of judgment in making a Government decision, or in taking Government action with regard to:

    (i) Contracting or procurement;

    (ii) Administering or monitoring grants or subsidies;

    (iii) Regulating or auditing private or other non-Federal enterprises;

    (iv) Other activities where the decision or action has an economic impact on the interest of a particular non-Federal enterprise; or

    require the incumbent to report in order to avoid involvement in a possible conflicts-of-interest situation and carry out the purpose of law.

    (2) Requirements of the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities. In order to fulfill the Endowments’ obligations under the general Government requirement described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, it has been determined that a Statement of Employment and Financial Interests must be completed and submitted in accordance with the procedures set forth in this section by employees occupying the following positions:

    (i) National Endowment for the Arts:

    (a) Deputy chairman.

    (b) All special assistants to the chairman and deputy chairman.

    (c) All program, division and office directors.

    (ii) National Endowment for the Humanities:

    (a) Deputy chairman.

    (b) All assistants (including special assistants) to the chairman and deputy chairman.

    (c) All program and office directors (but not including the Public Information Director).

    (d) All program officers classified at GS-13 and above.

    (iii) Shared staff:

    (a) All attorneys.

    (b) Director and Assistant Director of Administration.

    (c) All auditors classified at GS-13 and above.

    (d) Financial manager.

    (e) Administrative services officer.

    (f) All grants officers.

    (3) Inclusion and exclusion of positions. (i) Whenever appropriate, the Chairman of an Endowment may amend paragraph (a)(2) of this section to include additional positions in his Endowment that entail submission of such statements or may exclude any positions in his Endowment listed in paragraph (a)(2) of this section the inclusion of which is not required by the general requirement in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. Inclusion or elimination of shared positions will be accomplished by agreement of both Chairmen. Each supervisor is responsible for bringing to the attention of the appropriate Chairman (through the Deputy Chairman) any position which the supervisor believes should be covered or excluded by this requirement.

    (ii) If an employee believes that his position has been improperly included among those for which a Statement of Employment and Financial Interests is required, he may bring this matter, via the Foundation's grievance procedures, to the attention of the appropriate Deputy Chairman or, in the case of shared staff, to the attention of both Deputy Chairmen. In the event that the recommendation is made that the position be included, the employee may appeal to the Chairman of the Endowment concerned, or, in the case of shared staff, to both Chairmen, whose ruling shall be final.

    (iii) Although an employee's position may generally be included within the terms of paragraph (a)(1) of this section, such position may be excluded from the reporting requirement when it is determined that:

    (a) The duties of a position are such that the likelihood of the incumbent's involvement in a conflicts-of-interest situation is remote; or

    (b) The duties of a position are at such a level of responsibility that the submission of a statement of employment and financial interests is not necessary because of the degree of supervision and review over the incumbent or the inconsequential effect on the integrity of the Government.

    (4) Submission of original and supplementary statements. Each employee covered by this requirement shall complete the statement and submit it within 90 days after the effective date of this part. Each new employee shall complete and submit the statement within 30 days after his entrance on duty or within 90 days after the effective date of this part, whichever date is later. All changes in, or additions to, the information contained in each employee's original statement must be reported in a supplementary statement submitted by the employee as of June 30 each year. If no changes or additions occur a negative report is required. Not withstanding the filing of the annual report required by this subparagraph, each employee shall at all times avoid acquiring a financial interest that could result, or taking an action that would result, in a violation of the conflicts of interest provisions of section 208 of title 18, U.S.C., or § 1105.735-7 of this part. The Administrative Office of the Foundation is responsible for informing each new, affected employee of the requirement for him to submit the statement within 30 days after his entrance on duty.

    (5) Interests of employees’ relatives. For purposes of the statement, the interests of a spouse, minor child, or any other member of an employee's immediate household who is a blood relation of the employee, are considered to be interests of the employee.

    (6) Information not known by employees. If information required to be included on the statement of employment and financial interests (supplementary or otherwise, including holdings placed in trust) is not known by the employee but is known to another person, the employee shall request such other person to submit the information on his behalf.

    (7) Information not required. Employees are not required to submit information relating to their financial interests in any professional society not conducted as a business enterprise as described in the next sentence, charitable, religious, social, fraternal, recreational, public service, civic, political, or similar organization not conducted as a business enterprise. Professional societies, educational institutions, and other nonprofit organizations engaged in research, development, or related activities involving grants of money from, or contracts with, the Government are deemed “business enterprises” and are required to be included in employees’ statements of employment and financial interests.

    (8) Effect of employees’ statements on other requirements. The statements of employment and financial interests and supplementary statements required of employees are in addition to, and are not in substitution for, or in derogation of, any similar requirement imposed by law, regulation, or Executive order. The submission of the statement or supplementary statement by an employee does not permit him or any other person to participate in any matter in which his or the other person's participation is prohibited by law, regulation, or Executive order.

    (9) Confidentiality of employees’ statements. Each statement of employment and financial interest and each supplementary statement will be held in strictest confidence. The officials designated below to receive such statements will not allow access to, or information to be disclosed from, a statement except to carry out a purpose of this part. Information will not be disclosed from the statement except as the Civil Service Commission or the appropriate Chairman (or Chairmen, in the case of shared staff members) may authorize for good cause shown.

    (10) Review of statements. (i) Each Deputy Chairman will submit his statement to the appropriate Endowment Chairman.

    (ii) Employees of either Endowment shall submit their statements to the Deputy Chairman of that Endowment.

    (iii) Joint employees shall submit their statements to both Deputy Chairmen.

    (iv) When a statement submitted under paragraph (b)(2) or (3) of this section indicates a conflict between the interests of an employee and the performance of his services for the Government and when the conflict or appearance of conflict cannot be resolved by the Deputy Chairman (or by both Deputy Chairmen in the case of joint employees), he shall report the information concerning the conflict or appearance of conflict to the Chairman through the General Counsel. In the case of joint employees, information concerning the conflict or appearance of conflict shall be reported to both Chairmen. The employee concerned shall be given an opportunity to explain the conflict or appearance of conflict before remedial action is initiated.

    (b) Special Government employees. (1) Each special Government employee shall submit a statement of employment, and, unless otherwise directed, a statement of financial interests not later than the time of his employment. It is necessary that the special Government employee report all Federal and non-Federal employment, and, when a statement of financial interests is required, those financial interests which relate, either directly, or indirectly, to his Foundation responsibilities or duties.

    (2) Each special Government employee must file a supplementary statement of employment and financial interests whenever a significant change occurs, either in his employment or financial interests, in order that his statement may be kept current.

    (3) The provisions of paragraphs (a) (5) through (9) of this section apply to special Government employees in the same manner as to other employees.