§ 1304.3-8 - Mental health services.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The mental health part of the plan shall provide that a mental health professional shall be available, at least on a consultation basis, to the Head Start program and to the children. The mental health professional shall:

    (1) Assist in planning mental health program activities;

    (2) Train Head Start staff;

    (3) Periodically observe children and consult with teachers and other staff;

    (4) Advise and assist in developmental screening and assessment;

    (5) Assist in providing special help for children with atypical behavior or development, including speech;

    (6) Advise in the utilization of other community resources and referrals;

    (7) Orient parents and work with them to achieve the objectives of the mental health program; and

    (8) Take appropriate steps in conjunction with health and education services to refer children for diagnostic examination to determine whether their emotional or behavior problems have a physical basis.

    (b) The plan shall also provide for:

    (1) Attention to pertinent medical and family history of each child so that mental health services can be made readily available when needed;

    (2) Use of existing community mental health resources;

    (3) Coordination with the education services component to provide a program keyed to individual developmental levels;

    (4) Confidentiality of records;

    (5) Regular group meetings of parents and program staff;

    (6) Parental consent for special mental health services;

    (7) Opportunity for parents to obtain individual assistance; and,

    (8) Active involvement of parents in planning and implementing the individual mental health needs of their children.