§ 1304.5-1 - Parent involvement objectives.  

Latest version.
  • The objectives of the parent involvement component of the performance standards plan are to:

    (a) Provide a planned program of experiences and activities which support and enhance the parental role as the principal influence in their child's education and development.

    (b) Provide a program that recognizes the parent as:

    (1) Responsible guardians of their children's well being.

    (2) Prime educators of their children.

    (3) Contributors to the Head Start program and to their communities.

    (c) Provide the following kinds of opportunities for parent participation:

    (1) Direct involvement in decision making in program planning and operations.

    (2) Participation in classroom and other program activities as paid employees, volunteers or observers.

    (3) Activities for parents which they have helped to develop.

    (4) Working with their own children in cooperation with Head Start staff.