§ 1304.5-3 - Parent Involvement Plan content: Enhancing development of parenting skills.  

Latest version.
  • The plan shall provide methods and opportunities for involving parents in:

    (a) Experiences and activities which lead to enhancing the development of their skills, self-confidence, and sense of independence in fostering an environment in which their children can develop to their full potential.

    (b) Experiences in child growth and development which will strengthen their role as the primary influence in their children's lives.

    (c) Ways of providing educational and developmental activities for children in the home and community.

    (d) Health, mental health, dental and nutrition education.

    (e) Identification, and use, of family and community resources to meet the basic life support needs of the family.

    (f) Identification of opportunities for continuing education which may lead towards self-enrichment and employment.

    (g) Meeting with the Head Start teachers and other appropriate staff for discussion and assessment of their children's individual needs and progress.