§ 154.220 - Timing of providing the rate filing justification.  

Latest version.
  • § 154.220 Timing of providing the rate filing justification.

    A health insurance issuer must submit applicable sections of the Rate Filing Justification for all single risk pool coverage in the individual or small group market, as follows:

    (a) For rate increases for coverage effective prior to January 1, 2016:

    (1) If a State requires that a proposed rate increase be filed with the State prior to the implementation of the rate, the health insurance issuer must submit to CMS and the applicable State the Rate Filing Justification on the date on which the health insurance issuer submits the proposed rate increase to the State.

    (2) For all other States, the health insurance issuer must submit to CMS and the State the Rate Filing Justification prior to the implementation of the rate increase.

    (b) For coverage effective on or after January 1, 2017, by the earlier of the following:

    (1) The date by which the State requires submission of a rate filing; or

    (2) The date specified in guidance by the Secretary.

    [80 FR 10864, Feb. 27, 2015, as amended at 81 FR 12336, Mar. 8, 2016]