§ 156.815 - Plan suppression.

Latest version.
  • § 156.815 Plan suppression.

    (a) Suppression means temporarily making a QHP certified to be offered through the Federally-facilitated Exchange unavailable for enrollment through the Federally-facilitated Exchange.

    (b) Grounds for suppression. A QHP may be suppressed as described in paragraph (a) of this section on one or more of the following grounds:

    (1) The QHP issuer notifies HHS of its intent to withdraw the QHP from a Federally-facilitated Exchange when one of the exceptions to guaranteed renewability of coverage related to discontinuing a particular product or discontinuing all coverage under § 147.106(c) or (d) of this subchapter applies;

    (2) Data submitted for the QHP is incomplete or inaccurate;

    (3) The QHP is in the process of being decertified as described in § 156.810(c) or (d), or the QHP issuer is appealing a completed decertification as described in subpart J of this part;

    (4) The QHP issuer offering the QHP is the subject of a pending, ongoing, or final State regulatory or enforcement action or determination that could affect the issuer's ability to enroll consumers or otherwise relates to the issuer offering QHPs in the Federally-facilitated Exchanges; or

    (5) One of the exceptions to guaranteed availability of coverage related to special rules for network plans or financial capacity limits under § 147.104(c) or (d) of this subchapter applies.

    (c) A multi-State plan as defined in § 155.1000(a) of this subchapter may be suppressed as described in paragraph (a) of this section if OPM notifies the Exchange that:

    (1) OPM has found a compliance violation within the multi-State plan, or

    (2) One of the grounds for suppression in paragraph (b) of this section exists for the multi-State plan.

    [80 FR 10875, Feb. 27, 2015]