§ 2201.32 - Registered projects.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Commission, at its discretion, may include a project in a Register of Quincentenary Projects and Events.

    (b) Registered projects are defined as those which

    (1) Will increase public awareness of the Quincentenary; and,

    (2) Meet such other criteria as may be established by the Commission or the agencies or organizations defined in paragraph (c) of this section.

    (c) Those interested in requesting that a project be included in the Commission's Register of Quincentenary Projects and Events should make such request in writing to the Commission. The request must include a description of the project, including its time, location and scope, and indicate how it is expected the project will contribute to increasing public awareness of the Quincentenary. The request must also include the signature of the person to be contacted by the Commission regarding the project and identify any individuals, institutions, entities, groups or organizations on whose behalf the signer has been authorized to make the request. Any project which is adequate for inclusion in the Register of Quincentenary Projects and Events may be proposed for registration as a registered project by one of the following:

    (1) Any state quincentenary commission or comparable authority established under the laws of a state, territory or the District of Columbia;

    (2) The officially constituted quincentenary commissions of Italy, Spain or other countries or governments recognized by the United States.

    (d) The Commission reserves the right to decline to include a project in the Register of Quincentenary Projects and Events.

    (e) The Commission reserves the right to participate in the development and implementation of registered projects, although primary responsibility for the project will rest with the project's sponsor or sponsors.

    (f) Registered projects shall receive a Certificate of Registration from the Commission and a letter of agreement detailing the extent of Commission participation in the project.

    (g) Registered projects are expressly enjoined from identifying themselves with the Commission unless expressly authorized to do so in writing by the Commission. Registration with the Commission does not authorize the use of the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Logo for any purpose by the project or any of its sponsors.