Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 45 - Public Welfare |
Subtitle B - Regulations Relating to Public Welfare |
Chapter XII - Corporation for National and Community Service |
General Application Provisions and Procedures |
§ 2501.5 - State Serve-America Proposal.
(a) A State Serve-America Proposal for an operating grant must cover a period of not more than three years and must contain a description of the manner in which:
(1) Local applicants will be ranked by the State according to the criteria described in § 2501.16 of this part and in a manner that ensures the equitable treatment of local applications submitted by both local educational agencies and community-based organizations;
(2) Service programs within the State will be coordinated with each other and with other Federally assisted education programs, training programs, and other appropriate programs that serve youth;
(3) Cooperative efforts among local educational agencies, local government agencies, community-based agencies, businesses, and State agencies to develop and provide service opportunities, including those that involve the participation of urban, suburban, and rural youth working together, will be encouraged;
(4) Economically and educationally disadvantaged youths, including individuals with disabilities, youth with limited basic skills or learning disabilities, youth in foster care who are becoming too old for foster care, youth of limited English proficiency, and homeless youth are assured of service opportunities;
(5) Service programs that receive assistance under this Part will be evaluated for effectiveness in achieving program objectives;
(6) Programs that receive assistance under this Part will serve urban and rural areas and tribal areas that exist within such State;
(7) Training and technical assistance will be provided to local grantees by qualified and experienced individuals employed by the State or through grant or contract with experienced content specialist and youth service resource organizations;
(8) Non-Federal assistance will be used to expand service opportunities for students and out-of-school youth;
(9) Information and outreach services will be disseminated and utilized to ensure the involvement of a broad range of organizations, particularly community-based organizations; and
(10) The State will give special consideration to providing assistance to projects that will provide academic credit to participants or are integrated into the academic program of the school.
(b) A State Serve-America Proposal for a planning grant must cover a period of not more than one year, describe activities mentioned in § 2501.9(a) of this part proposed to be conducted under the plan, including a description of activities proposed to be accomplished through grants and contracts with qualified organizations and individuals.