Part 2505 - Rules Implementing the Government in the Sunshine Act  

§ 2505.1 - Applicability.
§ 2505.2 - Definitions.
§ 2505.3 - To what extent are meetings of the Board open to the public?
§ 2505.4 - On what grounds may the Board close a meeting or withhold information?
§ 2505.5 - What are the procedures for closing a meeting, withholding information, and responding to requests by affected persons to close a meeting?
§ 2505.6 - What are the procedures for making a public announcement of a meeting?
§ 2505.7 - What are the procedures for changing the time or place of a meeting following the public announcement?
Subpart A - General
Subpart B - Governors, Innovative Service Programs
§ 2505.10 - Purpose.
§ 2505.11 - Projects to be funded.
§ 2505.12 - Application contents.
§ 2505.13 - Selection criteria.
Subpart C - Peace Corps and VISTA Training Programs
§ 2505.20 - Purpose.
§ 2505.21 - Eligibility.
Subpart D - Rural Youth Service Demonstration Project
§ 2505.30 - Purpose.
§ 2505.31 - Designation of rural areas.
§ 2505.32 - Eligibility.
§ 2505.33 - Projects to be funded.
§ 2505.34 - Allowable uses of funds.
§ 2505.35 - Selection criteria.
Subpart E - Assistance for Head Start
§ 2505.40 - Purpose.
§ 2505.41 - Eligibility.
§ 2505.42 - Applicable requirements.
§ 2505.43 - Relationship with ACTION.
§ 2505.44 - Selection criteria.
Subpart F - Employer-Based Retiree Volunteer Programs
§ 2505.50 - Purpose.
§ 2505.51 - Eligibility.
§ 2505.52 - Projects to be funded.
§ 2505.53 - Selection criteria.