§ 2507.11 - Responses to requests.

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  • § 2507.11 Responses to requests.

    (a) In general. To the extent practicable, AmeriCorps will communicate with requesters using electronic means, such as email. Upon request, AmeriCorps will provide an estimated date by which it expects to provide a response to the requester. If a request involves a voluminous amount of material, or searches in multiple locations, the agency may provide interim responses, releasing records on a rolling basis.

    (b) Acknowledgment of requests. AmeriCorps will acknowledge the request and inform the requester of the tracking number assigned to the request.

    (c) Determinations on requests. In all determinations on requests, AmeriCorps will notify the requester in writing of the right to seek assistance from AmeriCorps' FOIA Public Liaison.

    (1) Grants of requests for records. When AmeriCorps grants a request in for records in full, it will notify the requester in writing and provide the records. If fees apply, AmeriCorps will inform the requester of those fees and send them the requested records promptly upon their payment of those fees.

    (2) Grants for other matters. When AmeriCorps grants a request for a fee waiver, modification of a request, or expedited processing, it will notify the requester promptly, in writing.

    (3) Adverse determinations on requests. If AmeriCorps denies a request in any respect, it will notify the requester in writing of the determination and their right to seek dispute resolution services from AmeriCorps' FOIA Public Liaison or the Office of Government Information Services.

    (i) Adverse determinations, or denials of requests for records, include decisions that a record, or portion of it, is exempt; that the request does not reasonably describe the records sought; that the record is not subject to the FOIA, is not an agency record, does not exist, cannot be located, or has been destroyed; or that the record is not readily reproducible in the format sought by the requester.

    (ii) Adverse determinations also include denials involving fees or fee waiver matters or denials of requests for expedited proceeding.

    (4) Information provided in the case of a denial. Response letters that deny all or part of a request will be signed by the person making the decision and will provide:

    (i) In the case of records withheld in whole or in part, a general description of what has been withheld and, where not evident, an estimate of the volume of material withheld, unless providing the description or estimate would harm an interest protected by an exemption;

    (ii) The reasons for the denial, including, as applicable, a reference to the specific FOIA exemption that authorizes the withholding;

    (iii) An explanation of the requester's appeal rights as described in Subpart F and the name and contact information of the Agency's FOIA Appeals Officer.