Part 260 - General Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Provisions  

Subpart A - What Rules Generally Apply to the TANF Program?
§ 260.10 - What does this part cover?
§ 260.20 - What is the purpose of the TANF program?
§ 260.30 - What definitions apply under the TANF regulations?
§ 260.31 - What does the term “assistance” mean?
§ 260.32 - What does the term “WtW cash assistance” mean?
§ 260.33 - When are expenditures on State or local tax credits allowable expenditures for TANF-related purposes?
§ 260.34 - When do the Charitable Choice provisions of TANF apply?
§ 260.35 - What other Federal laws apply to TANF?
§ 260.40 - When are these provisions in effect?
Subpart B - What Special Provisions Apply to Victims of Domestic Violence?
§ 260.50 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 260.51 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
§ 260.52 - What are the basic provisions of the Family Violence Option (FVO)?
§ 260.54 - Do States have flexibility to grant good cause domestic violence waivers?
§ 260.55 - What are the additional requirements for Federal recognition of good cause domestic violence waivers?
§ 260.58 - What penalty relief is available to a State whose failure to meet the work participation rates is attributable to providing federally recognized good cause domestic violence waivers?
§ 260.59 - What penalty relief is available to a State that failed to comply with the five-year limit on Federal assistance because it provided federally recognized good cause domestic violence waivers?
Subpart C - What Special Provisions Apply to States that Were Operating Programs Under Approved Waivers?
§ 260.70 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 260.71 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
§ 260.72 - What basic requirements must State demonstration components meet for the purpose of determining if inconsistencies exist with respect to work requirements or time limits?
§ 260.73 - How do existing welfare reform waivers affect the participation rates and work rules?
§ 260.74 - How do existing welfare reform waivers affect the application of the Federal time-limit provisions?
§ 260.75 - If a State is claiming a waiver inconsistency for work requirements or time limits, what must the Governor certify?
§ 260.76 - What special rules apply to States that are continuing evaluations of their waiver demonstrations?