§ 310.1 - What definitions apply to this part?

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  • § 310.1 What definitions apply to this part?

    (a) The following definitions apply to this part and part 309:

    (1) Automated Data Processing Services (ADP Services) means services for installation, maintenance, operation, and enhancement of ADP equipment and software performed by a comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency or for that agency through a services agreement or other contractual relationship with a State, another Tribe or private sector entity.

    (2) Comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency means the organizational unit in the Tribe or Tribal organization that has the authority for administering or supervising a comprehensive Tribal IV-D program under section 455(f) of the Act and implementing regulations in part 309 of this chapter. This is an agency meeting all requirements of § 309.65(a) of this chapter which is not in the start-up phase under § 309.65(b) of this chapter.

    (3) Computerized Tribal IV-D System means a comprehensive Tribal IV-D program's system of data processing that is performed by electronic or electrical machines so interconnected and interacting as to minimize the need for human assistance or intervention. A Computerized Tribal IV-D System is:

    (i) The Model Tribal IV-D System; or

    (ii) Access to a State or comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency's existing automated data processing computer system through an Intergovernmental Service Agreement;

    (4) Installation means the act of installing ADP equipment and software, performing data conversion, and turnover to operation status.

    (5) Maintenance is the totality of activities required to provide cost-effective support to an operational ADP system. Maintenance is generally routine in nature and can include activities such as: Upgrading ADP hardware, and revising/creating new reports, making limited data element/data base changes, minor data presentation changes, and other software corrections.

    (6) Model Tribal IV-D System means an ADP system designed and developed by OCSE for comprehensive Tribal IV-D programs to include system specifications and requirements as specified in this part. The Model Tribal IV-D System effectively and efficiently allows a comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency to monitor, account for, and control all child support enforcement services and activities pursuant to part 309 of this chapter.

    (7) Office Automation means a generic adjunct component of a computer system that supports the routine administrative functions in an organization (e.g., electronic mail, word processing, internet access), as well as similar functions performed as part of an automated data processing system. Office Automation is not specifically designed to meet the programmatic and business-centric needs of an organization.

    (8) Reasonable Cost means a cost that is determined to be reasonable if, in its nature and amount, it does not exceed that which would be incurred by a prudent person under the circumstances prevailing at the time the decision was made to incur the cost. In determining reasonableness with regard to ADP systems cost, consideration shall be given to:

    (i) Whether the cost is of a type generally recognized as ordinary and necessary for the operation of a comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency;

    (ii) The restraints or requirements imposed by such factors as: Sound business practices; arms-length bargaining; Federal, Tribal laws and regulations; and terms and conditions of any direct Federal funding;

    (iii) Whether the individual concerned acted with prudence in the circumstances considering his or her responsibilities to the comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency, its employees, the public at large, and the Federal Government;

    (iv) Market prices for comparable goods or services;

    (v) Significant deviations from the established practices of the comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency which may unjustifiably increase the cost; and

    (vi) Whether a project's Total Acquisition Cost is in excess of the comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency's total Tribal IV-D program grant award for the year in which the request is made.

    (9) Service Agreement means a document signed by the Tribe or Tribal organization operating a comprehensive Tribal IV-D program under § 309.65(a) and the State or other comprehensive Tribal IV-D program whenever the latter provides data processing services to the former and identifies those ADP services that the State or other comprehensive Tribal IV-D program will provide to the Tribe or Tribal organization. Additionally, a Service Agreement would include the following details:

    (i) Schedule of charges for each identified ADP service and a certification that these charges apply equally to all users;

    (ii) Description of the method(s) of accounting for the services rendered under the agreement and computing service charges;

    (iii) Assurances that services provided will be timely and satisfactory;

    (iv) Assurances that information in the computer system as well as access, use and disposal of ADP data will be safeguarded in accordance with proposed § 310.15;

    (v) Beginning and ending dates of the period of time covered by the Service Agreement; and

    (vi) Schedule of expected total charges for the period of the Service Agreement.

    (10) Simplified Acquisition Threshold for ADP systems, equipment, and service acquisitions means a Tribe or Tribal organization's monetary threshold for determining whether competitive acquisition rules are required for a given procurement or $100,000, whichever is less.

    (b) The following terms apply to this part and are defined in § 95.605 of this title: “Acquisition”; “Advance Planning Document (APD)”; “Design or System Design”; “Development”; “Enhancement”; “Federal Financial Participation (FFP)”; “Operation”; “Project”; “Software”; and “Total Acquisition Cost”.

    (c) All of the terms defined in § 309.05 of this chapter apply to this part.