§ 310.45 - How may a Tribe or Tribal organization request a reconsideration of a disapproval action?  

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  • (a) A Tribe or Tribal organization may request reconsideration of disapproval of a Tribal CSE application or amendment by filing a written Request for Reconsideration to the Secretary or designee within 60 days of the date of the Notice of Disapproval.

    (b) The Request for Reconsideration must include:

    (1) All documentation that the Tribe or Tribal organization believes is relevant and supportive of its application or plan amendment; and

    (2) A written response to each ground for disapproval identified in the Notice of Disapproval, indicating why the Tribe or Tribal organization believes its application or plan amendment conforms to the requirements for approval specified at § 310.65 and subpart C of this part.

    (c) After receiving a Request for Reconsideration, the Secretary or designee will hold a conference call or, at the Department's discretion, a meeting with the Tribe or Tribal organization as part of the reconsideration, to discuss the reasons for the Department's disapproval of the application or plan amendment, and the Tribe or Tribal organization's response. Within 30 days after receipt of a Request for Reconsideration, the Secretary or designee will notify the Tribe or Tribal organization of the date and time the conference call or meeting will be held.

    (d) A conference call or meeting under § 310.45(c) shall be held not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days after the date the notice of such call or meeting is furnished to the Tribe or Tribal organization, unless the Tribe or Tribal organization agrees in writing to another time.

    (e) The Secretary or designee will make a written determination affirming, modifying, or reversing disapproval of a Tribal CSE program application or plan amendment within 60 days after the conference call or meeting is held. This determination upon reconsideration shall be the final decision of the Secretary.

    (f) The Secretary or designee's initial determination that a Tribal CSE application or plan amendment is not approvable remains in effect pending the reconsideration under this part.