§ 410.201 - Considerations generally applicable to the placement of an unaccompanied alien child.  

Latest version.
  • § 410.201 Considerations generally applicable to the placement of an unaccompanied alien child.

    (a) ORR places each UAC in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child and appropriate to the UAC's age and special needs, provided that such setting is consistent with its interests to ensure the UAC's timely appearance before DHS and the immigration courts and to protect the UAC's well-being and that of others.

    (b) ORR separates UACs from delinquent offenders.

    (c) ORR makes reasonable efforts to provide placements in those geographical areas where DHS apprehends the majority of UAC.

    (d) Facilities where ORR places UACs will provide access to toilets and sinks, drinking water and food as appropriate, medical assistance if a UAC is in need of emergency services, adequate temperature control and ventilation, adequate supervision to protect UAC from others, and contact with family members who were arrested with the minor.

    (e) If there is no appropriate licensed program immediately available for placement of a UAC pursuant to this subpart, and no one to whom ORR may release the UAC pursuant to subpart C of this part, the UAC may be placed in an ORR-contracted facility, having separate accommodations for minors, or a State or county juvenile detention facility. In addition to the requirement that UACs shall be separated from delinquent offenders, every effort must be taken to ensure that the safety and well-being of the UAC detained in these facilities are satisfactorily provided for by the staff. ORR makes all reasonable efforts to place each UAC in a licensed program as expeditiously as possible.

    (f) ORR makes and records the prompt and continuous efforts on its part toward family reunification. ORR continues such efforts at family reunification for as long as the minor is in ORR custody.