Part 900 - National Environmental Policy Act Implementing Procedures  

Subpart A - General
§ 900.101 - Purpose.
§ 900.102 - Environmental policy.
§ 900.103 - Terms and abbreviations.
§ 900.104 - Federal and intergovernmental relationships.
§ 900.105 - Applicant responsibility.
§ 900.106 - Denali Commission responsibility.
§ 900.107 - Role of lead and cooperating agencies.
§ 900.108 - Public involvement.
Subpart B - Environmental Review Procedures
§ 900.201 - Environmental review process.
§ 900.202 - Emergency actions.
§ 900.203 - Determination of federal actions.
§ 900.204 - Categorical exclusions.
§ 900.205 - Environmental assessment.
§ 900.206 - Environmental impact statement.
§ 900.207 - Programmatic environmental reviews.
Subpart C - Environmental Assessments
§ 900.301 - Content.
§ 900.302 - General considerations in preparing environmental assessments.
§ 900.303 - Public involvement.
§ 900.304 - Actions resulting from assessment.
§ 900.305 - Findings of no significant impact.
§ 900.306 - Proposals normally requiring an EA.
Subpart D - Environmental Impact Statements
§ 900.401 - Notice of intent and scoping.
§ 900.402 - Preparation and filing of draft and final EISs.
§ 900.403 - Supplemental EIS.
§ 900.404 - Adoption.
§ 900.405 - Proposals normally requiring an EIS.
Appendix A to Part 900 - Categorical Exclusions