Subpart C - Specific Applications to Health Programs and Activities  

§ 92.201 - Meaningful access for individuals with limited English proficiency.
§ 92.202 - Effective communication for individuals with disabilities.
§ 92.203 - Accessibility for buildings and facilities.
§ 92.204 - Accessibility of information and communication technology for individuals with disabilities.
§ 92.205 - Requirement to make reasonable modifications.
§ 92.206 - Equal program access on the basis of sex.
§ 92.207 - Nondiscrimination in health insurance coverage and other health-related coverage.
§ 92.208 - Prohibition on sex discrimination related to marital, parental, or family status.
§ 92.209 - Nondiscrimination on the basis of association.
§ 92.210 - Nondiscrimination in the use of patient care decision support tools.
§ 92.211 - Nondiscrimination in the delivery of health programs and activities through telehealth services.
Reports, Records Retention, and Enforcement
§ 92.40 - Monitoring and reporting program performance.
§ 92.41 - Financial reporting.
§ 92.42 - Retention and access requirements for records.
§ 92.43 - Enforcement.
§ 92.44 - Termination for convenience.
Changes, Property, and Subawards
§ 92.30 - Changes.
§ 92.31 - Real property.
§ 92.32 - Equipment.
§ 92.33 - Supplies.
§ 92.34 - Copyrights.
§ 92.35 - Subawards to debarred and suspended parties.
§ 92.36 - Procurement.
§ 92.37 - Subgrants.
Financial Administration
§ 92.20 - Standards for financial management systems.
§ 92.21 - Payment.
§ 92.22 - Allowable costs.
§ 92.23 - Period of availability of funds.
§ 92.24 - Matching or cost sharing.
§ 92.25 - Program income.
§ 92.26 - Non-Federal audit.
Reports, Records, Retention, and Enforcement